GINGERONE  is an organic plant-based brand from Amsterdam, Netherlands, which believes that healthy wholesome food choices should be available and accessible for everybody. Their purpose is to provide a powerful and tasteful products made of premium high-quality ginger, combined with lemon, herbs and spices and foster a healthy community by offering a wide rage of products. The brand stands up for health and takes a hand-on  approach  to  contributing  to  the  sustainability  of  our planet.
Our work started with defining the strategy and creating an identity that embraced the undefinable aspect of products’ complex flavors. I have collaborated with Gingerone team to develop their brand strategy, identity design and attractive, customised label design for a few selected products that reflect their impactful, approachable and creative culture.
One of the main requirements was to create a playful, natural and easy-going vibe. For that purpose, I designed a custom logotype which is organic and classical, but also youthful and memorable at the same time and illustrations which accompany the branding elements through all its different applications.
Following this concept, I also applied corporative illustrations and patterns of the main ingredient to attract more quality and taste-complexity focused consumers.

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